The Game

To catch the spider

Look for spiders in small plants along fences or gardens, especially between leaves that overlay each other. Take a peek and cup leaves with both hands taking care not to squash the leaves. Place the leaves, with the spiders, into a plastic container. Remove the leaves from the plastic container after that.

To make the spiders fight

Each person will bring their own spider in a matchbox or clear plastic container. Bring out the spider and put both on the container or a flat surface. Either one spider will refuse to engage and run away, or both will fight until the loser runs away.


The species chiefly used is the Thiania bhamoensis, a jumping spider. The species is iridescent green-blue. The females are greener, while the males are bluer in colour. From the front view, the female's face is black, while the male's face white. As two males will tend to fight each other, regardless of whether they are in a natural setting, or forced together, they are commonly known as "fighting spiders". A common belief is that the darkest males are most aggressive - Aragog is living proof of this.


Trevally. (2009) 'Where to catch fighting spiders'. Blogspot. [online] Available at: (Accessed: January 4th 2025).